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The 67th International EUHA Congress and the industrial exhibition will take place from 18 to 20 October 2023 at the Nuremberg Exhibition Centre.
Preparations for #EUHA2023 featuring the specialist Congress and the International Industry Exhibition are in full swing. Visitors can look forward to several innovations offered between 18 and 20 October!
This year’s event will be a Congress of novelties: the opening of the Congress on 18 October will, for instance, be held at 9 a.m. for the first time. The concept of inviting a partner country will also be debuted this year, with Switzerland being the first partner country for the EUHA Congress.
The outstanding lecture programme – including presentations on modern assistive listening devices, communication-friendly hearing systems, a new standard for the Freiburg monosyllabic word test as well as auditory training, and dementia and hearing loss – is supplemented by a round table discussion on "The future of hearing aid acoustics” as well as various tutorials.
Future Friday, held on 20 October 2023, will be all about the future. On this day, trainees and students will be granted free admission. A special programme with various events will be offered, including guided tours of the Industry Exhibition for trainees and students for the first time. The aim is to get young people interested in our line of business.
The keynote lectures will be given in the afternoon of Future Friday from 2 to 4 p.m. This year, the programme includes, for instance, Bilal Zafar, young entrepreneur, successful founder, and digitisation and AI expert (known from the show "Die Höhle der Löwen”, or Lion’s Cave), as well as Dennis Fischer, speaker and author of Future Work Skills.
Subject to change without notice!
Future Friday
Future Friday is the forward-looking event set-up of #EUHA2023! It is scheduled to be held on Friday, 20 October 2023, as part of the 67th International Congress of Hearing Aid Acousticians. All delegates are invited to take part. In the morning, events will be centring around trends and innovations at the industry exhibition and the specialist lecture programme will be running. The Future Friday keynote presentations given by renowned speakers with a focus on forward-looking topics will start at 2 p.m. Further information Future Friday 2023