Further education
We offer a wide range of qualification programs for all areas of hearing acoustics.
We present authentic opinions, specialist knowledge, trends and feature the players in the industry to provide practical orientation for current and future challenges in hearing acoustics.
Under the roof of the EUHA, hearing aid acousticians and scientists cooperate at national and international levels. An active exchange on a high professional level guarantees that you will always be kept up-to-date on the latest developments at home and abroad.
The EUHA funds and organises the annual International Congress of Hearing Aid Acousticians, which has achieved worldwide reputation. EUHA members can profit from discounted entrance fees for the Congress as well as for other EUHA specialist conferences.
Our predominantly scientific orientation facilitates the solution of specialist problems by assigning them to working parties of specialists, whose findings will be highly significant for future development.
Local meetings, technical seminars, and regional conferences supplement the specialised scientific Congress, offering information related to practice and advancing specialist knowledge. Moreover, issues of business management relevant to the field of hearing aid acoustics will be discussed and worked out in this context.
“Standing still is going backwards.” This aphorism is more valid than ever. Please make use of the wide-ranging opportunities for information and further education offered by the EUHA for advancing your professional career.
EUHA membership is your best investment for the future.
Full EUHA members have the right to vote, and are eligible for office. Full EUHA members have three votes each. Every full member is eligible for election.
While observing current legislation and regulations as well as professional codes of conduct, as far as they exist, full members are obligated to provide the best possible support for those suffering from hearing deficiencies.
In accordance with the statutes and the decisions made by the EUHA organs, full members are entitled to participate in the facilities of, and events and courses organised by, the EUHA. Every member is entitled to receive information and specialist reports published by the EUHA.
Only full members are permitted to use the “EUHA” designation.
Decisions made by the Executive Committee and by the general meeting are binding on all members according to current legislation. The members are obligated to pay an annual contribution to be fixed by the general meeting.
Any natural person working in the sector of hearing aid acoustics and properly dispensing hearing aids, is eligible, upon written application, to become a full EUHA member, insofar as they are self-employed or the managing director or chief executive of a legal entity.
After conscientious examination of the membership requirements, the Executive Committee decides whether to allow an application for full EUHA membership. No reasons need to be given for a decline of membership. Every member receives a membership card.
Membership fee per year: 290.00 euros
Extraordinary EUHA members have the right to vote, and are eligible for office. Extraordinary EUHA members have one vote each. An extraordinary member is eligible for election provided that they have been members of the EUHA for at least five years.
In accordance with the statutes and the decisions made by the EUHA organs, every extraordinary member is entitled to participate in the facilities of, and events and courses organised by, the EUHA. Every member is entitled to receive information and specialist reports published by the EUHA.
Decisions made by the Executive Committee and by the general meeting are binding on all members according to current legislation. The members are obligated to pay an annual contribution to be fixed by the general meeting.
Any other natural person working in the sector of hearing aid acoustics who is not entitled to full membership, is eligible to become an extraordinary EUHA member.
After conscientious examination of the membership requirements, the Executive Committee decides whether to allow an application for extraordinary EUHA membership. No reasons need to be given for a decline of membership. Every member receives a membership card.
Membership fee per year: 70.00 euros
In accordance with the statutes and the decisions made by the EUHA organs, every supporting member is entitled to participate in the facilities of, and events and courses organised by, the EUHA. Every member is entitled to receive information and specialist reports published by the EUHA.
Decisions made by the Executive Committee and by the general meeting are binding on all members according to current legislation.
Any individual or legal person, company or corporation, disposed and in a position to offer spiritual and material support to the Union’s purposes and aims, is eligible to become a supporting EUHA member.
After conscientious examination of the membership requirements for supporting members, the Executive Committee decides whether to allow an application for EUHA membership. No reasons need to be given for a decline of membership. Every member receives a membership card.
Membership fee per year: The annual contribution to be paid by supporting members is to be fixed individually.
Honorary EUHA members have the right to vote, and are eligible for office. Honorary EUHA members have three votes each. Every honorary member is eligible for election.
In accordance with the statutes and the decisions made by the EUHA organs, honorary members are entitled to participate in the facilities of, and events and courses organised by, the EUHA. Every member is entitled to receive information and specialist reports published by the EUHA.
Decisions made by the Executive Committee and by the general meeting are binding on all members according to current legislation. Honorary members enjoy free membership.
Members and persons who have rendered outstanding services to our trade may be appointed honorary EUHA members upon resolution of the general meeting by way of a four fifths majority of members in attendance (secret vote).
Every member receives a membership card.