EUHA's history
The Union of Hearing Aid Acousticians (UHA) was founded on 11 September 1960 in Würzburg. For 25 years it was headed by Dr. phil. nat. Werner Pistor, of Eutin, Germany. The “German Hearing Aid Group” (founded in June 1952) and the “Association of German Hearing Aid Traders” (founded in January 1957) continued their tradition by merging into the UHA.
Due to the increasing legislative involvement on the part of the European Union (EU), the General Meeting of the Union of Hearing Aid Acousticians, on 15 October 2003, passed a vote in favour of renaming the organisation “European Union of Hearing Aid Acousticians”. This will ensure that the interests of its members are efficiently represented in the whole of Europe.
As of 1 September 2016, the German job title of Hörgeräteakustiker was changed to Hörakustiker. On 19 October 2016, the General Meeting of the European Union of Hearing Aid Acousticians passed a vote in favour of adapting the name of the organisation to match the new job title, changing the German name to Europäische Union der Hörakustiker e. V.