2025 EUHA Sponsorship Award
The 2025 EUHA Sponsorship Award ceremony will be held on 22 October 2025 as part of the 69th International Congress of Hearing Aid Acousticians in Nuremberg. Awardees will accept the awards in person.
The award ceremony for the eleventh EUHA Sponsorship Award was held on 7 October 2020. The papers awarded the prize are available here for download.
The EUHA Sponsorship Award is aimed at making you compare the new findings with what you already know, reflect upon them, discuss them in your company, and think outside the box. This is why it is important to us to present the topics dealt with in the papers to our entire line of business, and make them accessible to anyone interested.
The award ceremony for the eleventh EUHA Sponsorship Award was held on 7 October 2020 – in online format, for the first time. Eva Keil-Becker, EUHA Vice President and head of the EUHA Sponsorship Award jury, introduced the awardees and their topics online. Here you may watch the award ceremony:
Christina Zinner was awarded first prize. In her bachelor’s thesis written at Jade University of Applied Sciences in Oldenburg, Hearing Technology and Audiology degree programme, she dealt with a “Comparison between five speech tests in speech-simulating background noise”.
Second prize went to Simone Wollermann for her master’s thesis on the “Determination of temporal thresholds for subjective speech detection”, submitted at Lübeck University, Department of Auditory Technology.
Stephan Müller wrote his master’s thesis at Lübeck University, Department of Auditory Technology. His paper on the “Evaluation of spatial sound quality in ecologically valid scenarios” was awarded third prize.