The EUHA has voted!
The EUHA Executive Committee, the EUHA Auditing Committee and the EUHA Council of Honour were elected during the EUHA General Meeting on 25 September 2024.
EUHA Vice President Eva Keil-Becker awarded the EUHA Sponsorship Award for the twelfth time on 12 October 2022.
During the Science Symposium debuted this year after the official Congress opening ceremony, the three EUHA Sponsorship Awards were presented.
1st prize: Thomas Hieke B.Sc., Lübeck Technical University of Applied Sciences: “Okklusions- und Ankopplungseffekte für verschiedene Otoplastikdesigns” [Occlusion and related coupling effects of different earmould designs]
2nd prize: Dr Johannes Burkart, Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg: “Betrachtung des Zusammenhangs zwischen der Schwelle des intra- sowie postoperativ elektrisch ausgelösten Stapediusreflexes und psychometrischen Daten bei Trägern von Cochlea-Implantaten” [Consideration of the connection between the threshold of the intra- and postoperatively electrically triggered stapedius reflex and psychometric data in patients with cochlear implants]
3rd prize: Aysu Sürkit B.Sc., Medipol University, Istanbul (Turkey): “Comparison of dementia risk in geriatric individuals who use and do not use hearing aids