2024 EUHA Sponsorship Award – award-winning works now online!
EUHA Vice President Eva Keil-Becker awarded the EUHA Sponsorship Award for the thirteenth time on 16 October 2024.
The 2025 EUHA Sponsorship Award ceremony will be held on 22 October 2025 as part of the 69th International Congress of Hearing Aid Acousticians in Nuremberg. Awardees will accept the awards in person.
The European Union of Hearing Aid Acousticians (EUHA) is an association for all persons working in the sector of fitting hearing systems for the benefit of people with impaired hearing. The association aims at bringing together hearing aid acousticians, scientists, and laymen with an interest in trade-specific issues, who want to take part in specialised further education and vocational training.
To sponsor young talent in the hearing aid trade as well as to increase its own profile, the EUHA awards the sponsorship award for outstanding theses with special relevance to hearing aid acoustics.
The 2025 EUHA Sponsorship Award ceremony will be held on 22 October 2025 as part of the 69th International Congress of Hearing Aid Acousticians in Nuremberg. Awardees will accept the awards in person.
The decision if a thesis submitted within the period stipulated meets the requirements of this award competition, and which of the papers submitted will be awarded a prize, is taken by a jury convened by the EUHA.
Up to three theses may be awarded a prize with prize monies worth
3,000 euros for the first prize,
2,000 euros for the second prize, and
1,000 euros for the third prize.
The 2025 award competition is intended for students of a university of applied sciences or university who have completed their studies within the past 24 months. For instance, diploma, bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral theses may be submitted. The thesis must not be protected by a confidentiality clause.
The thesis should deal with a topic concerning the rehabilitation of deficiencies affecting the auditory communication system and should exhibit potential for development. Another requirement is that the subject matter can be practically applied by members of the trade of hearing aid acousticians.
The EUHA places special emphasis on:
The question if theses are forward-looking and original will also be taken into account when evaluating the papers submitted.
The audiological component will play an important part in the assessment.
A courageous approach as well as the ability to develop and convincingly present a subject will be honoured.
Theses must be received by no later than 15 August 2025
To apply, please provide a two-page abstract consisting of proposition, method, result, and a take-home message (central statement), with a total of max. 5,000 characters (incl. spaces). An electronic copy of the thesis should be submitted to the EUHA Office, Aegidiistraße 42, 48143 Münster, Germany, e-mail: info@euha.org. The thesis must be accompanied by the author’s curriculum vitae.
After submission for the award competition, the thesis will remain the copyrighted property of the author.
Upon arrangement with the author, the EUHA will be granted the right of exploitation. Furthermore, participants in the award competition declare their consent to the EUHA publishing their names and the titles of their theses as part of the EUHA website and, if applicable, in a EUHA press release. The participants also agree to visual and sound recordings being made during the award ceremony and being exploited thereafter. Awardees will undertake to present the award topic at one of the EUHA’s conferences, seminars, or courses.
The jury’s decision is final. There is no legal recourse.